On the 26
th of February in 5006 hall in the University for national and world economy the International relations research students association held an internal training, the theme of which was „How are assets gathered“. The lecturer in this event was Krasimira Georgieva, the external relations vice president at AIESEC.
The training is based on the „Students to students“ initiative, thatIRRSA started in 2011. The goal – internally organized development of the members of the association’s potential. The future of the campaign has to do with students form universities in both Bulgaria and abroad, who are supposed to share their professional development and experience.
Krasimira showed an interactive presentation, which motivated the participants to actively taka part, answering questions and respectively comparing answers. Terms such as „cold calling“, „Elevator pitch“ and others were touched on. Simulations of cold calls were also made, so that the frequently made mistakes could be commented upon and the students could acquire a kind of an experience.
The event is directly linked to the biggest event for IRRSA throughout the year – The spring ball, ant it was mostly aimed after the new members of the association, who must actively participate in the organization of the event to come.