Workshop ‘Gender equality’ was the first IRRSA event held in 2013. The event is part of the ‘Let women in (WomIN)’ project. Its aim is to make comparison between the role of women in three different societies – in country which is new member of the European Union (Bulgaria), in country which is member-candidate (Turkey) and administrative unit which is not recognized from the international community (Nagorny Karabach/Artsakh Republic).

Mr. Onur Tahmaz from Turkey was the guest-lector. He is part of a program for collaboration between young NGO leaders from the Black Sea region called ‘Black Sea NGO Fellowship’. The program is conducted by Civil Society Development Foundation (Bucharest, Romania)
His lection was kind of a game with the aim to prove that every person has his characteristics and abilities no matter of the sex. The discussion continued with Mr. Tahmaz’s personal impressions from the conflict in Nagorny Karabach and the situation at the moment.