With the start of the new academic 2013/2014 year in the University of national and world economy also started the activities connected with the traditional „Welcoming“addressed to the freshmen from the Political science professional field. The event was organized by IRRSA and Ego politico.
At the very beginning of the academic year the two organizations presented their activities, the opportunities, which a membership in a NGO offers and shared their personal experience with the freshmen from this professional field. During the last two weeks more than half of them took part in the different initiatives, prepared for „Welcoming“– 2013.

The first event was the visit to The Presidency of the republic of Bulgaria. It took place on the 4
th of October. About 40 freshmen got to know a bit more about the presidential institution. Representatives of the „Protocol“department guided their guests in the building and explained rules of formality when the visitors of the President are being received. Also the opportunities for training in the Presidency were made clearer.
The second preplanned event was a visit to The Info center of the EU and the Representation to the EU Commission in Bulgaria. The students learned more about the work in the Info center and the experts working in it. Again the training opportunities were discussed. Everyone received a package with materials informing on different fields of the work of the EU.

After being personally introduced to the work of these institutions, the IRRSA crew hopes that the desire for growth in the field of Political science in the students would be even greater.