Quality jobs and high rates of employment among the young people are a few steps closer. This became obvious during the international round table ‘Quality jobs – a step forward’ organized by Fridriеch Ebert Stiftung and the National Youth Forum. Feliks Daits from the National Youth Forum of Germany and Stefano Felisian from the National Youth Forum of Italy also participated in the project.
The participants from the members organizations of the National Youth Forum had the got aware of the current opportunities for professional development of young people in Bulgaria, the obstacles for the young people in Germany and the measures to be taken for improvement of the youth unemployment in South Europe. The International Relations Research Students Association was represented by Georgi Valev, Boyan Stavrev and Dimityr Cherkezov.
The high unemployment rate among young people in Europe provoked the European Comission to develop the ‘Youth Guarantee’ project. It envisages young people to 25 years old to be proposed quality job not more than four months after their graduation or finishing their last job independently of whether they are listed in the social services. The proposal might be for internship, education or permanent job. The idea was first introduced in Austria and Finland where the project already has its results. The European Comission allocated about 5 billion euro for the program. It is important to underline that this program is not a decision by itself but only a measure for tackling the youth unemployment.