From April 30 to May 4, a group of IRRSA involved in a project "We are in", which was held in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Democracy Project is realized under a 1.3 of the project "Youth in action" and aims to support the participation of young people in democratic life within their regional and national community and international level. During the project, young people from Bulgaria and Lithuania had the opportunity to participate in various activities related to exchange valuable experience and skills to debate, teamwork and delivering a public speech.

A discussion about "On the role of the media in the political process" allowed young people to express their positions on issues through the media between citizens and the political power. Organizing debates related to the issue of higher education contribute to improving personal skills for debating of the participants who received practical advice from a special guest - political expert.
The project "We are in" also put young people to a specific case for the development of best management model. Group work helped expression of multiformity, creativity and unconventionality in ideas as the basis of a democratic vote in which was determined the best model.

Wide range of diverse activities and meetings with policy experts and active politicians enabled all participants to develop practical skills to enrich their knowledge and to assert active citizenship.
Along with the practical application part of the project, the Bulgarian group was introduced to the culture of Lithuania organized by cultural evening and given the opportunity to experience the sights of Vilnius as the European Capital of Culture for 2009.