On May 28
th of 2019, members of the Student Association for the Study of International Relations (IRRSA) - Daniela Kadiyska, Bozidar Miladinov and Kaloyan Ivanov took part in the "Model NATO", held at the Military Academy "Georgi Sava Rakovski". The event was organized by: NATO Information centre and the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria, with the support of NATO. Participants were welcomed by Deputy Chief of the Military Academy, Colonel. Assoc. Prof. D. Tashkov and Dr. Solomon Passy, Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, and Mrs. Tanya Mihailova, Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute. For authenticity contribute Colonel Devedjiev. The participants were presented case affecting all modern security threats. From hybrid threats to economic barriers. The debate was very interesting, for which we congratulate all guilty!
At the end Mrs Biserka Benisheva has presented certificates to the participants.