On 18
th April 2013 in the Conference Hall of UNWE, the International Relations Research Student Association / IRRSA /, together with the Student Council of the University of National and World Economy organized a discussion-meeting on the topic :" The Crossroads of the Bulgarian-Macedonian relations" with one of the most prestigious Bulgarian historians - Professor Dimitrov.

In the overcrowded hall the guest presented historical facts rebuttal Macedonian national doctrine, which in recent years significantly affects the foreign policy of Bulgaria. Starting from the empire of Philip and Alexander Macedonski, passing through the settlement of Asparukh’s and Kuber’s Bulgarians in the Balkans, he reached the contemporary dimensions of the problem. Examples were given of the history of the Liberation of Bulgaria substantiated with detailed events and reference of documents.

The meeting was attended by students from various Bulgarian universities, which were given the opportunity to ask questions and to present their position on the problem of the Bulgarian-Macedonian relations.