Ambassador Dimitar Kostov, honorary chairman of The Bulgarian Diplomatic Society introduced his new book ‘The Multilateral Diplomacy’ to students from The University of National and World Economy. The event was attended also by prof. Dinko Dinkov.
The author of ‘The Multilateral Diplomacy’ started with his statement that it is of great importance for him to communicate with young people. According to him ‘the thing the youth wishes today will be the truth of tomorrow’.

He also shared what made him start writing the book and answered some questions like: ‘What is diplomacy?’, ‘What type of characteristics should a diplomat have and what can be his/her role in the relations of his country with others?. Mr. Kostov emphasized that diplomacy is an antic profession and gave definition of ‘multilateral diplomacy’.
After the introduction he was asked a lot of questions by students who where interested in his diplomatic experience.