About Us

International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) is an independent non-governmental organization, founded in 1999. It is based on voluntary work. IRRSA gathers students in International Relations, European Studies and Political Science in the University of national and world economy (UNWE). IRRSA is a member of National Youth Forum and collective member of Bulgarian Diplomatic Society. Mission IRRSA contributes to a better qualification and further professional realization for the students from the subjects „International relations“,  „European studies“ and the professional field „Political science“ in the UNWE.   The Association
  • investigates, analyzes and comments on the processes and the phenomena connected to the political, economic, cultural, scientific, sports and other relations between the subjects of International relations.
  • contributes to the improvement of the qualifications and the further professional realization of the students.
  • strives for the establishment between the students of different ages from our academic community in the UNWE and organizations in the country and abroad.
  • furthers the free expression of the students and their views.
  • strives to give its members the opportunity to take part in the different university, national, European and world programs.
  • strives to raise the prestige of the UNWE and the academic community in our society, including making them more popular trough the mass media.
  • represents the interests of the students from our academic society in front of the executive body of the UNWE and institutions, which directly influence their tuition.
  • keeps in touch with the alumnus, whose leading department is the „International relations“ department in the UNWE, and to stimulate their involvement in the matters of the association and the students.
  • creates contacts with firms from the privet and government field in Bulgaria, because it fells that the education and the business should go hand in hand.


Reports by the Managing Board Annual Report by the Managing Board 2011/2012 Annual Report by the Managing Board 2010/2011

Financial Statements

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2011 Income Statement FY2011 Cash Flow Statement FY2011 Accounting Policies Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2010 Income Statement FY2010 Cash Flow Statement FY2010 Accounting policies

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