On 18
th of May 18 (Saturday) in Hall “Nauchni Saveti'' IRRSA team held its annual General Assembly. It began with the annual report in which the chairman Silviya Damyanova presented in details all the activities the Association team has implemented over the mandate 2012 - 2013 year.

Current members listened with great interest the report, which was filled with many events and useful initiatives.
During the General Assembly the members elected the new chairman of International relations research association - Elizabeth Bozhinova. She presented her priorities and objectives envisaged in the name of the successful future development of the organization.

The new chairman form a new Managing Board: Ivelina Atanasova - Vice-President, George Vulev - organizational secretary , Violeta Ampova - treasurer , Hristo Slavov, Boyan Stavrev and Lyubomir Vassilev.

For members of the Supervisory Board were elected Sylvia Damyanova, Boryana Tosheva and Biliyana Krasteva .
At the end of the Annual General Assembly, the new chairman of IRRSA - Elizabeth Bozhinova awarded Anna Terziyan with an honorary membership because of her contribution in the activities of IRRSA during the years.
In the end of day, the whole team of IRRSA wished many future success and fruitful work.